1. AnnaKRipp: Anna is from West Middleton Elementary, in Verona Wisconsin and her blog is: <a href="http://kidblog.org/MrsRippsClass/author/AnnaKRipp/"> in her class along with her teacher is Mrs Ripp:<a href=http://kidblog.org/MrsRippsClass>.
Anna K is posting information about becoming a better writer and speller and letting her imagination to run wild with designs and telling stories about her life in Mrs. Ripp class.
2. Blake:<a href=http://kidblog.org/2011-12Class/author/blake342> and his teacher blog is:<a href=http://kidblog.org/2011-12Class/">. Which is Mrs. Hubener located in Sioux Rapids, Iowa and their school is name: Sioux Central School System:< a ref="http://www.Sioux-central.k12.ia.us/">.
He designed a blog with video animation:<a href="http://go animate.com/videos/0IWheM4Bn4Hc?utm%25255Fsource=embed">, having a great and successful interview with Christopher Columbus and finding out about his travels around the world.
Just like students blogging around the world to other students letting them read and understand their stories of growing up in different cities and states.
3. Sophia B. Ripp
This first assignment for C4K blog were from: Sophia B Ripp's blog about using and learning wield words to make up a sentences.
Some of the words that she were describing are: bogga bogga, zip zap zop and summer sault, I posted that words can be used to make correction and add up to make a paragraph.
And some of my own favorite are summer, spring and nighttime, because at nighttime you goes to sleep and get a good night rest.
Sophia Blog: http://kidblog.org/MrsRippsClass/SophiaBRipp/weird-words/
I think all of the students in Mrs. Ripps Class did wonderful and awesome blogs for their class projects. Sophia teacher is name Mrs.Ripp located at: <a href="http://kidblog.org/MrsRippsClass">.
4. Jaden's: Awesome Blog:<a href="http://jadensawesomeblog.blogspot.com"> and
<a href="http://www.you tube.com/watch?v=qLJRHDgoVEM&feature=player_embedded">. or
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.you tube.com/embed/qLJRHDgoVEM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>:
In Mr. Avery Science and Math Class:<a href=" http://mravery.edublogs.org/2012/02/13/mos">.It illustrious the meaning of being born in United States of America and becoming a Great and Wonderful National Basketball Player, who grandparents were from another country and parents worked hard for him and his other two brothers to get a college education from Harvey University and being unsigned and not drafted in the NBA to having become famous and encourage other blog as students to achieved their goals.
For someone that does not follow basketball at all and not having any knowledge about the game, Jaden's Awesome Blog, were very interesting and had a lot of details about Linsantiy or Jeremy Lin, the player that graduated from Harvey University and were signed to the New York Knickers Basketball Team.
I like his blog and his teacher's posting about different adventures the students from at a museum located in California and how they help students to learned some very important facts about electricity and other science projects.
Both of these students did a Fantastic and Well-Readied posting, I recommended every student in EDM310 check out these blogs and other students posting and leave positive comments to them.
To summarized Jaden's Awesome Blog, he made it prefect for everyone to read and understand the important of posting and designing for people imagination.
5. Jarrod Awesome Blog: <a href="http://jarrodsblog.global12.vic.edu.au/2012/02/26/mine craft-for-free">.
Jarrod Mine Craft for free is a very interesting in his blog: He is describing how video games help children to learned better.
It help them to build villages, fly around in space and learned about the universe, space and destroyed about Marine life and their living environment.
Therefore, video games are not bad for children to learned from they could leaved them to want a career as a construction manager, an engineer, biologist or as an designer of the space shuttle.
These are some wonderful and amazing stories or posting from different kids and they were very informed and well organized for everyone to see and post a comment about their work.
I am hoping that they keep it and make a career out of writing and designing blogs when they get older or in college.
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