1. Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff, Please? by Scott McLeod:
My position on the arguments by Mr. Scott McLeod is that this world in the Twenty first Century is changing around us on a daily base, with new technology and high speed Internet services providers throughout nations and nation, connecting people and students from little old town of Mobile, Alabama to one of the largest countries in the world: England, where the Queen and King and their families are living at and to see one of the Largest Castle in the world.
People are using the services to communicated to other about living in Alabama and trying to arranged a visit with them, technology is changing everyday and more and more people in general is gaining access to it.
Students and the parents is using technology to communicated to each other, by using cell phones, video chats, face-to-face camera's and less and less through pen, pencils and notebook paper.
The new students of are this date and time as Mr. McLeod is describing how Internet Services have taking over the ways children communicated to their parents, teacher's and other people is leaving impression that unfavorable comments and that their parents should not be letting have so much access to Internet or other devices.
Several comments from students in EDM310 class of 2011 were:
1. Stephanie Taylor commented that Mr. Scott McLeod comments get to the point of not letting children have that much access to Internet services and she also commented that technology allow students to become creative and connects to other location around the world.
2. Courtney Holifield commented that Technology has to be incorporated into classroom setting, because it is appropriated information on the Internet services for all students to research topics and it is mostly used by teachers' that is having their students to that information and communicated back to them for educational material.
3. LaVenia Curtis posting were very interesting to me, she stated that: "Technology is replacing pen, paper, textbooks and other material used in writing a letter or taking notes for class" and she also stated that: "If we monitor and supervised our children activities on the Internet services providers, it will help us as parent's to understands just who they are communicating to on a daily base."
2. The iSchool Initiative, Tim Allen and Travis Allen's ZeitgeistYoungMind 's Entry:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=<a href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/06YOePeUx4o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This information is interesting for students in the future, with the question:
Do Technology belongs in our classroom?
I am thinking Yes It Does, because teachers' can video tape assignments for any students that have to miss class for a doctor or dentist appointment, they can view it through video chat or on a Podcast, this will make sure they that got that days' assignment.
According to both Tim and Travis video with todays' technology it is: I-Touch Apps:
1. Emails
2.Notes Application
3. Global Map
4. Formulae
These Four things are used in classroom setting for students to research history material, send this information to their teachers, takes notes and posted them along with the information about the location of projects through global maps and formulae into a presentation for everyone to see and commented on.
With these information more and more teachers' are using the I- Homework apps for their students to check and do their assignments for the week and it will save on time and the parents of these students can also check it and monitor and see that they have homework is done.
3. Jennifer Chamber's and Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir:
src=<a href="
http://www.youtube.com/v/D7o7BrlbaDs&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shock wave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></embed></object>
My reactions to this video and Jennifer blogs about the video: It is with today's high tech technology not only students and people in general can conducted a full choir and have completed hymning throughout the whole project and have all of the students in different locations around the world.
Within this video and posting it takes someone to trust all of the student's will stay focus and parallel to singing the song in by way of the Internet and video cameras, this performing were on key and I think if all students will take part in a choir like this one, then they will be more focus on the assignments.
4. Teaching in the 21st Century, by Kevin Roberts:
What does it mean to teach in the 21st century?
Students' here in EDM310 located at University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama have being blogging, making Podcast, using Smart boards, designing profiles, taking notes and planning events ahead of time through projects like that help to communicated to others students and potential employers around the world.
Teachers can research information about different homework assignments, student's can used it to video chats to their friends and parents can log in and monitor just who their children are talking or testing out their video chats.
Therefore, YES, technology in the Twenty First century is very important for everyone within their daily lives, it help them to become more organized with their time and improved their communication skills.
They can blog, asked questions and get a responded in real-time, twitted and posted video to You --tube's and other video sites and used I-Pods or their cell phones as a way of locating other students around the world.
In today's 21st century teachers and the student parents can clarify information about the students like if they are going to be out for a appointment, homework assignments that were to be turn in and also helps the students to located resources for the projects.
By showing children and people in general, that using the Internet services and their technology devices correctly it well pay off in the end with solving problems, having validate information, researching resources and getting clear understanding on just thew other person is communicating to them.
5. Reading Rockets: <a href=" http://www.readingrockets.org>Reading Rocket</a>
While reading and checking some of the video's on the posting, this article had some very important information for students to learned and get a understanding that if the challenge themselves and used their imagination and interview skills that they can be successful.
This website is interesting about students setting up interviews with teachers and other people that were interesting to them, for example: Mr. Walter Dean Myers:<a href="
Where he talking about how books has changed hiis life a over having a speech problems in his early years of growing up and his loves of reading and writing short stories and poems have being very benefituful to him.
He also talks about havinfg many challenging that he hads to face head on and were very success in dealing with them and all of these interviews were about people having positives attitubes about readign books and enjoying them.
When I become a Kindergraden Teacher within the next year, I am going to reccommend this website to all of my studnets to reading and listened to each video and posted a comment about just what to understand.