EDM 310 Class Blog


Saturday, February 25, 2012


What is Pod-casting?
Is it the new way of communicating for the Millennial http://apps.americanbar.org/lpm/lpt/articles/mgt08044.html generations.
Is it students being trained to not to talk to their parents or guardians about their future plans or having so many new devices to keep them busy communicating to others?
From the video: The Benefits of Pod-casting in Classroom by Joe Dale.
http://joedale.type pad.com/integrating_ict_into_the_/2009/04/the-benefits-of-pod casting-in-the-classroom.html

Pod-casting is described as having several benefits allowing students to communicated with their teachers, classmates, parents and other within their communities.
Some of these benefits can help students to communicated in way to everyone understanding their writing, post blogs to each others, get a better understanding on just what their teachers are trying to tell them.
1. It allow them to designs blogs in way that opens up a their creativity juices or brainpower to become much better thinkers.
2. It helps them to upload messages to their instructors in real time videos or receive downloaded I.M. (Instant Messages) or homework assignments from all of their teachers, due to them becoming ill.
3. It allows all students to creative web blogs and post information about themselves for future jobs in their careers.
4. In referencing to Bloom's Taxonomy from this video: I think it meaning to mastering the subject, predicted the outcome of it, solved the problem or problems within the meaning, applying the corrected terms or event to each problem, find the hidden meaning or information and then created new information and summarized it in your own terms or understanding for others.

These are just some of the benefits of Pod-casting from Mr. Dale a 6th grade teacher from L.Douglas Wilder Middle School in Richmond. Va.
Pod casting helps others students, teachers, parents to read and understand stories in the form of different events and it is also using today's technology like the IPod and video's to become better communicators.

Lang witches Blog: Listening-Comprehension-Pod casting:
What is Pod casting?
It is describe as broadcasting through a I Pod ( http://www.tech terms.com/definition/ipod), it a small portable device or hand handle music player developed and design by Apple Corporation, it using to play music or music video's.
With the used of an IPOD and a Smart board, students or an one in general can posted blogs or messages to other students, their teachers or even their parents as long they have access to the Internet services and also it is a device used by millions of teachers to be able to communicated to the students and their parents or guardians about homework assignments or any important information that they will need about their child or children.

Some of the information could be up-to-date- medicine records, when report cards have being send home with their child or children and any lessons sent home with them and the students and their parents can responded to the teacher pod casting video's.
Pod casting according to the article: Lang witches: Listening, Comprehension and Pod- casting: http://langwitches.org/blog/2011/03/30/listening-comprehension-podcasting/, it is publishing any information that is worth learning in different languages for all people around to world to see and get an understanding on just what is being posted.
By learning, listening, communicating and hearing different languages or words being put together to form  sentences, students that podcast will helps others to become comfortable in pronouncing  their true feelings or words correctly.

This article also express how it helps people or students like me to get a better understanding of the melodies from the sounds of the words that are be communicated or post on blogs or messages.
By video taping or recording the sounds, an statement or even a meaning of words and making such to edited, proof read and make the proper correction to a blog or post or message, before posting it a IPOD or Internet services, this will ensure that the readers are very well interested in the message.
Most students like hearing the voices or messages being posted into an IPOD or on to the Internet providers, so that everyone can hear them talk or write messages.

What is a Podcast? by Judy Scharf
In this article, she is describing how pod casting is related to using a IPOD device and Internet providers, to be able to become a voluble speaker throughout useful of the "radio style" talk show or in general a talk show host in Mr.Tom Jordon or Steve Harvey using them to communicated on a daily base to others.

Pod-Casting:  http://teaching today.glencoe.com/howtoarticles/pod casting-basics,
is designed to helps everyone to be able to very talkative in expressing our feelings to others and it also designed that we can communicated to people or students around the world.
So very important facts or tips to setting up it is to: Read and get a understanding of the software to be used, have more than one topic for students to choose from, provide examples other students pod-casting and most of all allow plenty of time to practice on setting up a completed pod-cast.

This information from all three articles were very interesting and some very important information about Pod-casting to others students and people in general.



1 comment:

  1. Ms. Hunter,

    I enjoyed reading your post.

    In this post you wrote about Joe Dale's podcast: "Is it students being trained to not to talk to their parents or guardians about their future plans or having so many new devices to keep them busy communicating to others?"

    I'm not sure that I completely understand what you are saying, but I don't think that podcasts or technology are preventing or even training students not to talk to their parents. Actually, I think that if children become more literate with technology, then they may learn more about communication.

    I noticed that later in your post, you wrote that podcasts can help students, if they become ill. Did you change your mind as you wrote your blog post?

    I will be sending you an email.

    Eleanor Pomerat
